Active Families / Upsizing

You have a beautiful and healthy family. Your kids are everything to you. You can’t believe how fast they're growing. You have a roof over your head and all your basic needs are met. Sounds like the dream… yet, you don’t have everything you had on your family’s vision board. You wish your kids could play in a large backyard, take the dog out for a nice walk on large mature streets, and have all the time in the world to enjoy each other, rather than being on top of one another….

Your home was once, the perfect haven, for you and your spouse. Your growing family is quickly overtaking the space.

We’ve developed steps to ensure the journey to your dream lifestyle is specific to you and your family and is really easy on you.

Let’s blend your real estate and lifestyle goals with our knowledge, experience, and support network for a successful move!

Contact us for our guide to help active families upsize or move to family-friendly neighbourhoods for a closer look at each step.

We’ve developed steps to ensure the journey to your dream lifestyle is specific to you and your family and is really easy on you.

Let’s blend your real estate and lifestyle goals with our knowledge, experience, and support network for a successful move!

Contact us for our guide to help active families upsize or move to family-friendly neighbourhoods for a closer look at each step.

Let’s first meet over coffee at your current home and discuss your family’s vision. We’ll walk through your current home and you can tell us what you love or hate about it. This helps us understand where you want to be in your next home. It also helps us craft messaging that will appeal to the next buyer! And just as important as your next home, we’ll also establish the type of neighbourhood, schools, activities etc. you’d like to have close by.

From this initial meeting. We’ll prepare a family package with all your information and call it your “family profile”.

We’ll put you in contact with our preferred lenders so you can be pre-approved. This will help establish the type of homes you can afford and how this will impact your monthly cash flow. These financials will complete your “signature family profile”. We’ll also sign the required paperwork to formalize our working relationship.

You’ll receive access to your “client only” portal. This website lists all the steps of buying and selling so that you can refer to it, in your own time.

When preparing to sell your home, we’ll coordinate everything on your behalf. Preparing your space well is an important step in this process. We want you to get as much as possible in the sale of your home. We’ll coordinate cleaning, painting, staging, and anything else required for your home.

This is the fun part where we start house hunting. We’ll start by visiting a series of different homes in your price range. This will perfect what you like and what you don’t like.

Now that we’ve established what you are looking for, we can start visiting homes. We’ll really listen to you while visiting homes to ensure we continue visiting homes of interest. We’ll drive together certain neighbourhoods to ensure you are fully aware of distances for schools etc.

We make ourselves available to visit homes and fit your busy family schedule.

Once you find a property you like, we will make sure to discuss the price, terms, and conditions that suit you and your family.

Buying your next home: We'll coordinate suppliers as needed at this point. Inspectors, lawyers or anything else you might need. If you want to renovate, we can ask a contractor to come out and quote the job to see if it is workable in your budget.

Once your home is ready for its close-up, it’s time for me to work hard. From print campaigns; to photography, drone shots, floor plans, and feature sheets. To online campaigns; videos, virtual tours, social media, paid target ads, inter-board listing. In-person events; agent networking, open houses.

Selling your home: When submitting your offer on a property you like, We will send your "family signature profile". We want the sellers to know who you are. We will negotiate hard, like we are purchasing our own home, to get you what you want.

We'll take care of cleaning, staging and preparing your space. We will ensure your home is in front of as many qualified buyers as possible. We'll share feedback on the home so we can address anything needed. When an offer comes in, we'll review the details to ensure it blends with your purchase.

check out our clients stories

If you want to take the next step, book a strategy call with us to see if we can help you with your next move.

Book your 15 min call or chat with us in Facebook Messenger. Talk soon!